Is the First Amendment Under Attack on Its Birthday? By Jane Hampton Cook on Substack Though it is the most cherished of the Bill of…
Download and share these images for Bill of Rights Day on Dec. 15, which is the 230th anniversary.
Why was the First Amendment almost the Third Amendment?
The first half is Jane sharing about our first freedoms. The second half features James Madison.
While on a train headed to Warm Springs, Georgia, for a late Thanksgiving holiday on 29 November 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) called upon…
Jane shares the history of Thanksgiving, our founders and American exceptionalism with Doug Billings. Doug Billings
Thanksgiving Interview Jane Hampton Cook Shares Thanksgiving History Truth on WMAL’s O’Connor & Company with Larry O’Connor.
Why Edward Winslow's 1621 letter of the Mayflower Pilgrims' feast with the Wampanoag tribe matters 400 years later.
Today more than 35 million people can trace their genealogy to the Mayflower Pilgrims. I barely missed it. My ancestor William Hampton traveled on the Bona Nova in the…
How do we know about the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving, and when did we know it? Americans learned for the first time about the Pilgrims from their…